UID 154
積分 53
帖子 21
閱讀權限 20
註冊 2006-10-25 來自 Arizona, USA
狀態 離線
發表於 2006-12-12 03:07
The most stunning looking role of TK is the role in the movie of House of Flying Dagger. That is the first movie I have seen has TK in it. To today, I still like him in this movie the most.
I have seen the "Sleepless Town". The movie seems try too hard to show his talent of speaking different languages, but lost in the story. I speak two different languages very well. But the movie can't keep my interest all the way to the end. Can you imagine the people who only speaks one language which most audiles are?
I have also seen him in the other light comedies. He is totally loved by his great performace talent.