金城武.NET 討論區

標題: Going to movies, for Takeshi, his fans, and movie lovers
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2016-10-4 12:24  資料 文集 短消息 
A Truly Great Movie

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2016-10-4 12:36 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2016-10-4 12:33  資料 文集 短消息 
Sully - "The Real People Behind the Miracle"

Sully - Official IMAX Trailer
Rank: 2

UID 57541
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發表於 2016-10-6 06:54  資料 短消息 
回復 #47 阿管 的帖子

yes looks like a great movie!

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UID 60235
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註冊 2016-5-13
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發表於 2016-10-8 23:32  資料 短消息 
回復 #15 阿管 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 KINKI 於 2016-10-8 23:33 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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發表於 2016-10-12 20:46  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #49 KINKI 的帖子

謝謝 KINKI 的分享
一部溫暖與希望的電影. 劇本寫得很好.
值得静下心來, 细细欣賞 生活的真諦, 讓人感動.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2016-11-12 20:19  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #42 Rui 的帖子

Tempting Heart (1999) - One of my favorite movies.

心動製作特輯 The making of Tempting Heart 金城武 梁詠琪 莫文蔚

Rank: 2

UID 57541
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註冊 2015-8-1
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發表於 2016-11-13 05:49  資料 短消息 
回復 #51 阿管 的帖子

I love this movie because I have yet to see another romance that so purely captures the first love AND the realism of obstacles that prevents two people to be together AND with no melodrama or lay the blame on one side.

SOmetimes, we may be fortunate to fall in love completely.  BUT, other considerations are: timing, geography, family, career, or whether two people can grow together.  At one point, there have to be compromises and a leap of faith towards a life together.  These considerations are often mundane, and not dramatic, but they can be heart-breaking.  Most movies or TVs have unrealistic love obstacles: a disaster, an evil or psycho ex.  Or they overplay some type of obstacles such as social class.  Tempting Heart captures the everyday obstacles in love.  Timing: high school , not really independent yet, not to mention college!  geography: Japan, Taiwan.  Family against it mostly...  Career: she has a nice fashion buyer job, and his career is well just a job...  The mastery of the movie is that it showed how real and beautiful the love is despite all the obstacles, AND despite the fact they fail to surmount the obstacles!  LOve does not conquer all, but love is to be treasured.  SO my dear friends, I cried after the last scene, sadness is the first impression, lamenting a true love that was not meant to be.  LAter, if you are zen about it, you are also happy for them, because they have experienced something so beautifull.  So to all who is in a relationship, if you have made it this far, first falling in love, then navigating many obstacles or compromises, then we must treasure what we have.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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註冊 2006-10-7
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發表於 2016-11-14 21:31  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #52 Rui 的帖子

He likes this film

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2016-11-14 21:34 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

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發表於 2016-11-14 21:32  資料 文集 短消息 

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2016-11-14 21:34 編輯 ]
Rank: 2

UID 57541
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發表於 2016-11-15 05:55  資料 短消息 
回復 #53 阿管 的帖子

Thank you!  He sure looks like he was enjoying the process!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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發表於 2016-11-15 14:29  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #55 Rui 的帖子

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UID 5151
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發表於 2016-11-15 22:45  資料 短消息 
回復 #52 Rui & #56 阿管 的帖子

Tempting Heart- so one of the classic romance and  memoriable movie played by Takeshi. I
watched this when l was in college first time. Then rewatched it quite a few times thereafter.  The scene that l deeply impressed was 小柔(張艾嘉) received a “gift” from 浩君(戴立忍). The gift box
had a different sky photos which  took by 浩君while he stayed in Japan for the first few years.
And he was still keeping her high school single photo.    lt was upset they were not together at
last due to the facts as you said.  The both relationship upgraded to be the close family instead
of  lovers. All of the emotions and the feelings were living in their hearts.  Words couldnt say.  
Everything was let go and just let them go.   So that’s why l didnt get their complicated feelings
for the first watch but when gets older, there are lot of reality need to be considered, not just pure
love only even though the meaning of love is very important for all.  Imperfection love.

The interview of Takeshi in years ago by i-cable.  Thank you 阿管。
Rank: 2

UID 57541
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發表於 2016-11-16 18:43  資料 短消息 
回復 #57 sparkling 的帖子

SParkling,   That'a right!  It is a classic.  It bears re-watching, and each time the audience discover something new about the story and themselves.  I can see that we are all proud of Takeshi-san's performance and his central role in our this classic.

Rank: 2

UID 57541
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註冊 2015-8-1
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發表於 2016-11-18 13:15  資料 短消息 
time to talk about my two favorite TV shows!

WEll they happen to be two Jdramas.  Golden Bowl and Long Vacation.  I decided to re-watch them as I write episode by episode, because they are such a treat!

So I just saw Long Vacation Ep1.  
I think the script is a great piece of literature, filled with symbols and references to other great movies.  There is not a single character that are non-essential, and all the dialogues pushes and deepens the story, not a single word wasted! The acting are so natural and sincere by all the main casts, their natural delivery of lines and even better delivery of body languages are right on!  

The first scene of Minami running through town wearing the traditional Japanese wedding dress is unforgettable.  First time I saw the scene, I thought, will this be an over the top comedy?  NOw I saw another layer, a great contrast between the social pressure to get married after 30 (symbolized by the dress) and a free spirit (the rumpled state of the dress).  
Minami has great physical comedy.  I loved the scene when she spun around trying to stop at the red light.  Then, she literally barged into Sena's apartment.  He was the passive counterpart, rudely awaken from his sleep.  He was dazed, uncomfortable when someone who was literally in his face and "pushy".  His kindness came through along with his discomfort, and he uncharacteristically told a couple of jokes.  Here is the genius of the script.  He is much more than just kind and shy.  Why did he attempt these awkward jokes, he seemed surprised himselve in making light of a grave situation of runaway groom.  Well, here is the first sign of his wall being broken down, before he even know it himself.  
WHen Minami forced herself to move in, the first shot was Sena looking at her legs at the playground when he was picking up a basketball... I think it's a reference to the Graduate in the 60s and about older woman-younger man.
AN important scene of roommates in this episode was drinking together talking about their relationships, or in Sena's case, his infatuation...  BOth characters were sweet and relaxed.  Without Minami's enthusiasm, I cannot imagine Sena being this silly and re-enacting his first meeting with Ryoko!   The bouncy ball scene was quirky and showed what a nice guy Sena was trying to cheer up Minami. THe last scene was the first big crack on the wall.  Sena played for Minami on her birthday after a really rough day for both of them.  it's the first time he played piano for someone else.
OTher characters were great too, especially Ryoko, even though she is shy and inexperienced, she is actually very straight forward.  SHe told Sena that he was too good to being a piano teacher in the piano school.  Shinji is a drifter, who happens to be very attractive.
Rank: 2

UID 57541
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註冊 2015-8-1
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發表於 2016-11-30 18:52  資料 短消息 
EP2 a study in contrast

This is probably one episode that I think has the most ups and downs.  It is a great study in contrast between Sena and Ryoko vs. Minami and Shinji.  Sena, after admiring Ryoko for 2 years, finally found enough courage to ask her out, well, sort of... Despite Ryoko's prodding, he still cannot admit it'a a date.  Fear of rejection?  Shinji, on the other hand, falls for Ryoko at first sight, and tries to talk to her right away into a date.  

Ryoko's innocence and good manners even after a bizarre encounter with Minami at the restaurant vs Minami's badly timed and super insensitive offer of Love Hotel coupons is another contrast.  Even Sena who seems unflappable, is super pissed!  His word was cutting to Minami, so damaging that I for a moment don't know how their relationship can recover!  To be continued...


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