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標題: Going to movies, for Takeshi, his fans, and movie lovers
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發表於 2015-10-31 21:02  資料 文集 短消息 
Happy Halloween!

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發表於 2015-10-31 21:10  資料 文集 短消息 
One of my favorite movies of Mr Tim Burton is: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Top 10 Tim Burton Movies:

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發表於 2015-11-1 09:39  資料 短消息 
回復 #17 阿管 的帖子

Happy Halloween!  Thanks for the pieces on Redford, too.

I was wearing a Venician mask with peacock feathers and handing out candy just now.  I would stand very still next to the corn husks and Jack-o-lanterns, when the kids came up.  Some thought I was a statue, and got a little spooked.  It was fun.  
I would like to watch Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) tonight.  It's pretty close to the original book.  Even though that book was written more than one hundred years ago, I found the writing style quite modern and a real page turner!

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發表於 2015-11-2 18:54  資料 文集 短消息 

This story is a vivid parable about the forces of love.
Every one of the four principal actors, gives outstanding performances.

Dracula: Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds... true love?

Dracula: I have crossed oceans of time to find you.
Rank: 2

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發表於 2015-11-5 07:49  資料 短消息 
回復 #15 阿管 的帖子

A bit more on why I like Out of Africa:
It's unique not just because it's a sweeping love story in an exotic land.  To me, it is a dialogue about the balance between being alone and preserving one's freedom/original state and entering into something thus being altered.  Redford's character loves the wilderness of Africa, he is somewhat reluctant to alter it too much by being a big game hunter and safari leader. He did not want to teach the natives English or Western culture.  Streep's character also loves the land and people deeply, but she is active in wanting to change things such as having a school for children.  
In love, the tension between them was about possession. He does not want to be possessed, she is pretty independent but want at least some promise about the relationship.  This tension ultimately led to their breakup.  The movie does not shy away from the complex contradiction in both characters.  He said in the end that she ruined it for him (the idea of being free and alone).  It's his way of saying he still loved her and she has for ever changed some part of him.  She always loved him because of his independence, he does not treat her like a possession most men that era do.  There was an interesting scene after he moved "a few things" to her house, he met the estranged husband.  The husband said, "you should at least asked."  Redford's character said, "I did and she said yes!"
I think in looking for love, many of us are looking to be someone who can give us the freedom of being who we are, but at the same time because of love we may be willing to be altered a bit.  It's a dialogue whether explicitly discussed or not.
Speaking of romanticism, as the movie is considered a great romance, I really like how they portray the relationship's development.  It was an attraction of mind and spirit.  When he asked her to join his safari.  He simply said that there were things he wanted her to see.  The script feels real here.  A man like him, he shows his love by wanting to share what he think is most beatiful, he invites her into those moments he previously hasn't shared.  I imagine he found great peace and joy being in nature seeing the animals.  When he invites her, he is looking for someone to be there with him, no conversation is necessary, he is hoping she would just be as entranced standing next to him.
Recently, I thought despite all that's said above, why do I still like this story so much?  It's not a happy story.  She lost everything in the end.  First, her health and marriage, the her love of life and her farm.  It may be more reasonable to love it 20 years ago when it's fashionable to love sad movies as a new movie lover.  Why I still love it now.  Then I realized that it's really about the experience not the end result.  If I were the protagonist, even if I know ahead of time what the losses would be, I'd still want to experience the love and land.

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發表於 2015-11-13 10:35  資料 短消息 
回復 Confession of Pain

It's great to hear that the shooting has concluded for the Ferryman.  Can't wait to hear about the release date.  
This is billed as a comedy.  I hope that both Tony and Takeshi has enjoyed working together again in a fun environment, since they seemed to genuinely appreciate each other and have great on screen chemistry.  
Even though ChungKing Express was the first time they shared leads, their first real collaboration was Confession of Pain (2006).  Today, I'd like to share a few thoughts on this movie.
First, I liked the acting by both male leads.  Takeshi's Bong is persistent and smart, yet deeply wounded.  He gave up some parts of his life after a personal tragedy, but he just can't stop digging for the truth.  Takeshi gave a really layered performance.  
Tony's character started out as a good boss from the first scene, but quickly shocked me with his violence.  unlike usual detective movies, the the suspense was not about who-done-it, but about when Bong will find out, and when we will find out the motive.   It was good to see Tony's character change, sometimes gradually, sometimes suddenly.
Second, I really like The interesting character, Bong.  His inner journey after a sudden tragedy seemed to be a straight decent into alcoholism.  He gave up on his career and gave up on his health.  One thing that seems to consume him is his dogged investigation of WHY.  To the audience, his doggedness is almost a sign of madness.  He most likely would never find out. And the more he digs, the less he can move on.  Yet, truth, however horrible, is preferred by a character like Bong.  Because truth can be understood, and once understood, Bong has the best chance to move on and heal.  I really like how realistic this character is, not one-dimensional as just a damaged person, or just a real strong person who can pull himself out of a depression.  
In the end, Bong is really a strong person.  He dealt with his own anger, jealousy, and guilt, and choose to move on and forgive.
A hopeful message to all.

Rank: 2

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發表於 2015-11-21 08:13  資料 短消息 
On Warlord Deleted Scene, reaction to Violence

This past week, I have been mostly angry and sad with the news of the heinous crimes committed on innocent people.  
It made me think about our reactions to violence.  How should civilized people react to unspeakable violence?   For me, the most immediate reaction was being absolutely revolted, disgusted.  Even when I watch movies, certain scenes are so violent, I can't bear to watch them.  
For example, I heard about the great acting Takeshi did in Warlord, the deleted execution scene, death by a thousand cuts.  But I did not dare to watch it for a long time.  Because many years ago, when I was looking through some history book about Qing dynasty China, I stumbled upon a grainy photo of someone executed by death by a thousand cuts.  I almost threw up.  Eventually, I worked my courage to watch the deleted scene.  The closeup of many facial expressions was so well-done.  I wished Director Chang could have melted the close-up with Takeshi's voice over without the last bloody shot...
Ok, my point is barbaric violence should be absolutely rejected, and has in deed been rejected by modern society.  I have ordered on Netflix the Danish movie A Royal Affair.  It's about Dr Struensee.  I read a book about him years ago.  Without going to details about his life, he was the last European to be executed by the Medieval way, very cruel, like in Braveheart...  A passage in the book really struck me, and I thought about that passage when I watched Takeshi's scene.  The book talked about the reaction of the people gathered to watch the execution.  Previously in history, many would cheer on the horrific spectacles.  But this time, after the influence of renaissance and Enlightenment, normal people were disgusted by the violence.  The society have come a long way actually.  We must make sure the enlightened view of humanity does not get eroded by evil forces.

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發表於 2015-11-21 11:38  資料 短消息 
回復 #22 Rui 的帖子

In Celebration of Music:
The Sound of Music, 1965
A Hard Day's Night , 1964

In Celebration of food:
Eat Drink Man Women, 1993
And French food:
Julie & Julia, 2009
Ratatouille, 2007

Rank: 2

UID 57541
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發表於 2015-11-21 12:11  資料 短消息 
回復 #23 Rui 的帖子

In Celebration of France:
Amelie, 2001
La Vie en rose, 2007

Music and art in France:
Impromptu, 1991

The beauty of France in the eyes of people around the world:
A Good Year, 2006
lavender, 2000
Before Sunset, 2004

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發表於 2015-11-21 12:28  資料 短消息 
回復 #24 Rui 的帖子

And one of my favorite French movie, the beautiful, romantic, and gallant ---
The Horseman on the Roof, 1995

I am re-watching it tonight!

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發表於 2015-11-27 09:27  資料 文集 短消息 
I enjoyed your insights into the movies...
Great analysis!
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發表於 2015-11-27 12:22  資料 短消息 

Glad you enjoyed them.  I have fun writing about movies.  

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發表於 2015-11-28 03:57  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #22 Rui 的帖子

http://www.takeshikaneshiro.net/ ... page%3D2&page=1
Braveheart: The film was shot in Scotland and Ireland.
One of the filming locations:

King John's Castle, Trim, County Meath, Ireland

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2015-11-28 05:08 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
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發表於 2015-11-28 04:02  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #24 Rui 的帖子

Thank you for sharing!

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2015-11-28 04:39 編輯 ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

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發表於 2015-11-28 04:40  資料 文集 短消息 
回復 #23 Rui 的帖子

In Celebration of food:


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