金城武.NET 討論區

標題: 當吳君如遇上金城武part1 -- part5 (完整專訪)
Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 300
精華 38
積分 11601
帖子 3477
閱讀權限 255
註冊 2006-12-20
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-12-31 01:40  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
吳 : 你有朋友的嗎? 武 : 比如說,你來的話,叫我出去吃。 吳 : 除了我,你還有什麼朋友? 武 : 哈哈,好像沒有,都在火星。 你終於承認家在火星了嗎?! 吳 : 哈哈,對啊,你火星的朋友來找你嗎? 武 : 我還是有一些不是圈內的朋友。 吳 : 是日本的朋友,還是台灣的朋友? 武 : 一樣都有。 吳 : 是哪一類型的朋友? 武 : 同學,很多都是同學。 吳 : 是台灣的同學,還是….. 武 : 台灣那時候的,很多是同學,然後,還有就是幕後的朋友,有很多。可是他們也很少來找我,誰要跑去上海找你啊? 他們不會去北京郊外一線找你啊。 吳 : 金城武啊,只要給他一條寬頻線就行。 武 : 對對對,那就是最低的要求,有的話便好了。 吳 : 他只要一條寬頻線及Room Service便可以留在酒店幾天了。 武 : 因為我們出去的話,工作人員會很煩惱,於是盡量不要造成他們的困擾,先把工作做完,然後再走就好。 吳 : 你是不是一個慢熱的人,是不是很難才能跟一個人成為好朋友,讓他知道你的事情,所以沒有很多人能跟你走近,你懂嗎? 走近你。 武 : 我知道,我知道。 吳 : 算不算? 是不是要想得很清楚這個人不會出賣我,這個人能守秘密的….. 武 : 這個不用想太多,這個一開始便會知道,這個人會不會 (出賣我) ,我覺得人是憑感覺的,你知道這個人是什麼個性的,不用花很長的時間。可能因為我的個性比較內向,我會比較怕陌生,我也不是很會 Social (社交),去做生意的人,所以我也不會主動跟人家講話,而人家跟我講話的時候,如果他的講話內容,讓我覺得大概就是Social 的話,我不知道怎麼接下去講。 吳 : 對呀,其實私底下跟金城武聊天,也很擔心有什麼不能講….. 哈哈哈,我不是說我呀,我當然什麼都能講。 武 : 沒有呀,你什麼都講。 吳 : 有些人走過來跟你聊,會不會很怕你,因為覺得你很 Cool (冷漠) 。 我有時候看到你在拍攝現場,你總是很靜的坐在一旁,或者回到自己的車內,相反劉德華卻跟其他人講到眉飛色舞,李連杰也是,而你卻坐在一旁,靜靜的,完全不會跟其他人 Social。 武 : 因為可能我不太會吧。 吳 : 你有沒有嘗試過? 武 : 以前應該有一陣子是這樣的,還是會有試過的。 吳 : 有沒有試過主動跟工作人員聊。 武 : 會,還是會的。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 300
精華 38
積分 11601
帖子 3477
閱讀權限 255
註冊 2006-12-20
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-12-31 02:00  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
吳 : 你這麼神秘。 武 : 我覺得神秘是因為媒體會去比較,就像你剛剛說的 “劉德華都是這樣”,因為你有一個比較,來回看為什麼我不是那樣,我覺得是這樣的(原因)。如果大家都跟我一樣的話,便沒有人會說我神秘了。 吳 : 對對,但這個是你本來的性格。不過很多人也想知道,為什麼這麼多年以來,到底你住在火星,還是住在台灣,還是住在日本,還是住在美國,真的沒有人….. 武 : 日本、台灣也還是會回去的。 吳 : 你多半在國外拍戲。 武 : 這幾年,對。 吳 : 其實你每個地方都住一陣子。 武 : 對。 吳 : 那麼,有沒有一些你住過的地方,例如日本,但日本很多狗仔隊呀。 武 : 日本也蠻多的。 吳 : 對呀,但是你也避得過。好厲害。你是不是有一台戰車。你在台灣有戰車嗎? 應該沒有了,他很省錢的。 武 : 日本可能是因為他們的文化不一樣吧。比如說日本人,他講話會有禮貌,讓你覺得有禮貌,就不會硬著來這樣子。 吳 : 你說狗仔隊嗎? 武 : 一般,可能狗仔隊也是一樣。日本的狗仔隊是,你知道他在跟你的話,他知道你已經知道我在跟你….. 待續

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 148
精華 8
積分 1356
帖子 431
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2006-10-22
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-1 20:55  資料 短消息 
太感谢Creamy了,那么长的访问看下来也半天了,还帮我们一个字一个字打出来,辛苦了。 武真可爱哦,也只有君如姐敢这么采访他呵呵。”後來我發現那個帽子只有一頂,我的帽子越來越縮水,一直縮水,到最後,我昨天一看也是很難看,越來越小,越來越小。“
Rank: 2

UID 739
精華 0
積分 144
帖子 112
閱讀權限 20
註冊 2007-9-30
來自 澳門
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-1 22:26  資料 短消息 
很感動的說, 真想這個會製作成影碟啊!!!
Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 300
精華 38
積分 11601
帖子 3477
閱讀權限 255
註冊 2006-12-20
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 00:24  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
Part 5

武 : .....他就不跟你了,因為他只想偷拍你。 吳 : 不錯呀。 武 : 可是,我們這邊不是吧。 吳 : 對呀,他們明明知道你是知道的,他們還是會繼續跟。 武 : 在日本我試過,我知道被跟了,我就故意讓他知道,我便向那邊看,他們就走掉。 吳 : 然後便沒有再跟下去。 武 : 就沒有跟了。 吳 : 啊,因為他們想拍到一些你沒有防備的東西。他就走掉了嗎? 武 : 走了。 吳 : 是不是每一次你在日本上街,也會看看有沒有狗仔隊? 早點發現就沒事了嘛。在日本有沒有故意這樣做? 武 : 有時候會注意啦,可是通常不會,因為在日本,我們也沒有做什麼壞事情,只是跟朋友出去吃飯,還ok 。而且日本比較沒有像我們現在所講的,大家都是狗仔隊,我拍一張,然後就去那邊賣,相比之下,日本沒有這樣。 吳 : 對呀,現在香港跟國內也是這樣,你在街上拍到,但你不是狗仔隊的話,你可以拿去賣,日本是不是這樣? 武 : 沒有。 吳 : 街上拍到你的普通人,會拿去賣嗎? 武 : 應該沒有吧。 吳 : 你有沒有哥哥、弟弟之類的話題能講嗎? 武 : 我有哥哥。 吳 : 有沒有你那麼帥? 武 : 怎麼可能!!! 哈哈哈 …… 吳 : 哈哈哈……你是不是全家最帥的? 武 : 我不敢講。哈哈哈。我爸爸最帥。 吳 : 但是我沒有見過你爸爸。 武 : 你可能看到也會…..(武模仿第一節吳君如張大咀巴的樣子) 吳 : 哈哈哈,他還是這樣嗎? 武 : 很有味道,很有味道,我覺得啦。

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 300
精華 38
積分 11601
帖子 3477
閱讀權限 255
註冊 2006-12-20
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 00:49  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
吳 : 還有一樣很神秘的,這麼多年來,沒有人知道你有沒有女朋友。沒有人知道你有沒有固定的一個….. 我真的不知道啊,這事情,我真的不知道。 沒有人知道,到底你恨不恨拍拖、有沒有女朋友這些事情。其實,有沒有呢? 武 : 我覺得這個問題,我如果說沒有也沒有人會相信,對不對? 可是好像我只會說我沒有,因為有的話,我也不會講,因為我覺得,尤其現在,在演藝圈,因為媒體發達、資訊發達,你一個事情會被放大,但是如果你這個感情還不知道穩不穩定,就被放大的時候,就會造成傷害,我覺得會造成傷害。對方如果不是這個圈子的,也會受到傷害。如果是這個圈子的,也會受到傷害。而且我覺得我還沒有緣分覺得真的是…… 吳 : 可以表白? 武 : 對。 吳 : 其實你還年青。你還年青,不急於固定一份感情,你還有事業。 武 : 可是我看到你們會羨慕。 吳 : 你到了我這個年紀才想吧。你真的羨慕嗎,你喜歡小孩子嗎? 武 : 你們的小孩很可愛啊。當然,我總是一個人跑來跑去….. 吳 : 會寂寞嗎? 武 : 有時候還是會覺得寂寞的。可是因為現在的工作好像真的很忙,而且每一個都是機會很好,我真的覺得是應該好好珍惜這些機會把工作做好。 吳 : 你對於未來的工作有沒有一個定下一個標準? 好像這一年你拍了三部戲,你有沒有一個想法,以後你會接拍哪一位導演,或者哪一類的戲才去拍? 武 : 我目前的想法,我有一點點感覺是,現在能拍什麼都盡量試好了,我現在三十四歲嘛。 吳 : 你這方面很坦白啊。哈哈哈。 武 : 因為可能有一些前輩跟我說,很多前輩跟我說 “很快哦,十年很快哦,三十歲的味道,能呈現在作品的話你一年拍一部也只能拍十部,你自己想想,其實這個對你的人生也好,對你在演藝圈留下什麼作品,你自己想怎麼做,是不是應該要有一些企圖心?” ,我覺得也蠻有道理的,也很碰巧,這幾年好像拍蠻多戲,可是其實一部戲已經拍了四個月,是很長的,通常是兩、三個月拍一部。 吳 : 你差不多拍過所有大導演的戲,吳宇森 、王家衛、張藝謀、劉偉強、陳可辛這些大導演,你有沒有一些更想合作的卻沒有合作過的? 武 : 我會想試試很多不同國家的導演。 吳 : 反而不是香港的,對呀,你現在拍的也有些是美國呀、日本呀…. 武 : 當然國內還是會希望啦,比如說,每次去泰國就會覺得,唉啊,泰國的廣告這麼好看,創意很好,如果有機會的話很想去參加。 吳 : 對呀,很好笑。 武 :看韓國電影覺得,嘩,韓國電影好好看,你會想去嘗試。 吳 :對啊對啊,這個也是一個方向。什麼類型的戲你一定不拍? 有沒有一些場面,例如,大家都拿梁朝偉來比較,當然我們女演就會想自己能不能作湯唯啦。有一次王晶問我,如果你廿十三、四歲,湯唯的年紀,你肯不肯脫? 例如梁朝偉這種,你敢不敢做? 武 : 一開始一定是不敢的,除非那個戲的內容,你真的覺得是值得的。 吳 : 怎樣才算值得? 是導演不斷遊說…… 武 : 很難,很難去講,說這樣這樣就會。那是一種,也有一種是突然覺得我可以做,我一定可以做,而且一定會是好的。我覺得沒有一個標準。 吳 : 你有沒有特別的…… 武 : 當然我覺得大導演,有明的導演、大製作,你也知道那個 quality (品質) 一定在一個水準上面的話,而且戲如果真的需要這樣,才可以加上很多色彩的話,你會有很多信心,這個可以做、而且一定是好的。你如果碰到那樣子的情況,也會去嘗試,因為那個對你是個突破,對電影是個突破。 吳 : 就是說你有信心。 武 : 我沒有信心啊。我是說…… 吳 : 你這麼害羞,這麼內向,如果在現場,這樣的氣氛…… 武 : 我現在可能還是不行。 吳 : 對呀。 武 : 等我歷練再足夠一點吧。 吳 : 可能,我覺得你現在還年青,可能你再大十年,你再老練一點,可能你會夠膽去做。梁朝偉也比你大很多,他現在才夠膽去接拍,可能他在你這個年紀他也沒有膽去拍。 武 : 對呀,可能還是會怕。 吳 : 不要緊,你還有很長的路要走,像你的樣子,你剛才也說,三十歲有三十歲的味道,四十歲有四十歲的味道。 武 : 那人家不一定會找你啊。 吳 : 不會吧,你看劉德華這種,還有梁朝偉。我覺得男人越成熟、越多經歷,在電影裡越棒。 [ 本帖最後由 Creamy 於 2008-1-3 10:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

UID 300
精華 38
積分 11601
帖子 3477
閱讀權限 255
註冊 2006-12-20
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 01:06  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
吳 :最後一條問題,你這個身材,有沒有很勤力的去舉…… 武 : 沒有。 吳 : 那你平常有沒有去保養你自己? 武 : 以前….. 吳 : 我看你很喜歡吃東西。 武 : 第一,我吃不胖,體質上面我吃不胖。 吳 : 有沒有去了解為什麼不胖? 天生不胖? 武 : 福氣還沒到吧。因為我看我一些親戚啊,可能他們都,哎,奇怪,同樣的身體怎麼一直胖? 我的家人一直胖,我一直瘦啊。你知道嗎,真的很奇怪。覺得你們福氣到了,一直在增胖啊。 吳 : 你覺得你福氣還沒到? 武 : 還沒到吧。我可能也是突然有一天會發福。 吳 : 你有沒有試過 “哎也,胖了一點點” ,沒有,一直沒有? 武 : 沒有。可能是因為以前讀書的時候喜歡運動。 吳 : 現在反而沒有。 武 : 現在誰跟你運動啊? 我喜歡的運動,比如說喜歡打球啦,可是打球要很多人啊,所以就沒有人有時間陪你。 吳 : 你有沒有去跑步、健身? 武 : 以前有嘗試過,後來覺得很無聊。 吳 : 哈哈,對著機器…. 有些人說找私人教練、私人飲食,不過你一定不會跟。 武 : 不會,不會。 吳 : 你有沒有在家裡做面膜? 武 : 沒有沒有沒有。 吳 : 都沒有嗎,沒有在臉上打打圈的? 武 : 沒有。 吳 : 所以帥這方面是恨也恨不來。 武 : 不是不是不是。 ( 金城武,我告訴你,你以後答案說一次就行,我可是打得很辛苦的 !!! ) 吃不胖是老天爺給我的一個好處,怎麼吃都不會胖。還有可能是因為你拍戲,你一直熬夜的話,你也很難胖。 吳 : 好,今天真的很謝謝金城武,怎麼我們一碰面就笑? 哈哈哈。 武 : 哈哈哈,謝謝你。 吳 : 謝謝,謝謝。

Rank: 2

UID 739
精華 0
積分 144
帖子 112
閱讀權限 20
註冊 2007-9-30
來自 澳門
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 18:27  資料 短消息 

原帖由 Creamy 於 2008-1-3 01:06 發表 吳 :最後一條問題,你這個身材,有沒有很勤力的去舉…… 武 : 沒有。 吳 : 那你平常有沒有去保養你自己? 武 : 以前….. 吳 : 我看你很喜歡吃東西。 武 : 第一,我吃不胖,體質上面我吃不胖。 吳 : 有沒有 ...

不要兇他嘛, 大家又不是不知道他大都只是說 是 或者 不是 要是又重覆了, 就 copy and paste 好了 或者, 應該多請教他有電腦方面的知識份子, 讓你輕鬆一點
Rank: 2

UID 355
精華 0
積分 62
帖子 25
閱讀權限 20
註冊 2007-1-21
來自 香港
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 20:08  資料 短消息 
Creamy 你真的很捧呀!打武長長的訪問都打出來,印象中武好像沒有談及這麼多的話題,而且談得很輕鬆,大慨是因為他和吳君如相熟的關係吧!
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 38
精華 17
積分 8990
帖子 2772
閱讀權限 90
註冊 2006-10-8
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 22:03  資料 短消息 
難得一見金城武這樣開懷多言 這是一個必要看的訪問 打這麼多字真不容易,多謝 Creamy 為大家服務. ]
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 16
精華 0
積分 18936
帖子 15104
閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-10-7
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 22:31  資料 文集 短消息 
吳君如問得很高興, 笑得很開心
金城武答得很高興, 笑得很開心 武迷們看得很高興, 笑得很開心 大家都很開心, 謝謝 Creamy !!
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 983
精華 6
積分 1171
帖子 230
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2007-11-4
狀態 離線
發表於 2008-1-3 23:40  資料 短消息 
CREAMY...I don't even know what to say. I am awed and amazed by your hard work and dedication. I deeply appreciate your transcribing this interview. Wonderful work!
Here's an English translation of this interview.
Sandra: Most tv show hosts, especially women, would be very excited to interview tonight’s guest. So when I heard about the opportunity, needless to say, I jumped to the opportunity. I have this small story to tell. Actually, a lot of audience don’t know. I think it’s not a surprise that a lot of women loves you. When I first met Takeshi, he was only 19 years old. I saw him at a recording facility, there was a long hallway outside. At that time, we were both facing each other while he walks toward me. My mouth started dropping open, wider and wider. So when he was finally in front of me, my mouth was like this big already.
Takeshi: Really?
Sandra: You don’t remember. At that time, he was just a newbie while I was in Taiwan doing promotion. Then I wondered to myself how can there be such a good looking person in this world? Then you went on camera and I went asking around “who is that guy??” *chuckles*
Takeshi: Really? But I know who you were.
Sandra: Oh of course. At that time, I have been in the industry already. Geez, why was I speaking Mandarin? After that each time I see Takeshi, I always “eat your tofu” Do you know what “eating your tofu” means?
Takeshi: Yes. *chuckles*…no, I don’t feel that way. Because I admire you a lot too.
Sandra: Dont say those niceties… tell me the truth. Am I pretty?
Takeshi: Yeah
Sandra: See?
Takeshi: Well, if you compare to before…just like myself. People’s face would change. It’s because of how you feel inside and it will shine outward. Really, I think you are so different now from before. (Sandra at the background: ohh….) *chuckles
Sandra: What if I pursue you…can I? (Asianbuzz: she’s crazy funny! )
Takeshi: uhh..now it’s too late. You have a daughter already.
Sandra: I know.. yeah, do you encounter women like me a lot? women who are smooth talkers and whose eyes shine when they see you. How do you protect yourself from this type of women?
Takeshi: Uh…none. There’s only you. *laughs*
Sandra: I don’t believe you really!
Takeshi: It’s true. You’re more liberated and open about your feelings, and warmer. That’s why you are more relaxed around us. But others whom we don’t know that much, they won’t be like you are *chuckles
Sandra: But, you still would feel it.
Takeshi: Sometimes, there is.
Sandra: So what do you do in that situation? How do you react each time?
Takeshi: I feel embarrassed.
Sandra: You are too shy…Such a waste for a handsome guy like you to be that shy.
*chuckles from Takeshi and Sandra*
Takeshi: *laughs*…Right…Right…such a waste.

阿管   2008-1-4 22:41  武氣  +10   Thank You for Sharing!

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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2008-1-4 00:04  資料 短消息 
Sandra Okay, let’s talk about movie. The movie “Warlords”. Is this movie the hardest one you’ve ever made? Because I saw a lot of write ups about it, or maybe you’ve mentioned to me before that it’s scary to be in “Warlords”. Filming classics are always tough, the costumes are thick and there’s the fight scenes. Most people would want to stay away from it. Then why would you end up doing it and thinking it over couple of times before being in it?
Takeshi: First of all, classic films to me are foreign to me. Because I am not from a specially trained background. So actually, there’s a lot of things about it which I don’t understand. I’ve seen people filming in it though. At the beginning when Director Jang Yi Mou asked me to act in “House of Flying Daggers”… it was the first time I wear a hairstyle like that and costume like that, I couldn’t move.
Sandra: Oh, that was only your first time?
Takeshi: I really didn’t know how to move.
Sandra: Was it really your first time acting in a classic/epic film?
Takeshi: For a Chinese epic film, yes it was. It’s like not knowing about it but just doing it. Also, he’s a very famous Director (of “Warlords” …when Peter approaches you for a project, of course you’d be happy. But honestly, I was nervous about not doing a good job. Honestly, I was not confident doing a good job.
Sandra: So where did the confidence come from later?
Takeshi: I admire Director Chen Ke Xin. After we worked together on “If This is Love”, I really appreciated his work. I like his taste a lot too. I think, a new film is always a very big challenge for the Director. He’s the one who has the most pressure because you have to remake a film was previously done by a famous Director. A very good product at that. It’s hard enough that you have to remake it, then you have to add a lot of elements in it such as explaining that period’s history, making the venue look much bigger, the arts…there’s just so many. I think it’s really very challenging. I don’t know if I can help you (the Director). That’s why I lacked the confidence [to be in this project]. But he kept asking me and encouraging me which of course, made me very happy. Since he trusted me so much, I decided to do it.
Sandra: Actually, during the preparation, he really wanted you to play this role. Because the character is very innocent and sincere. That’s why, I think, the Director already had you in mind. That’s why I think he was nervous that after all the convincing, you’d still say no you won’t do it. *chuckles So I asked Director if I need to call you myself. Maybe I have to use my sex appeal. *laughs
Takeshi: ha ha ha…no need..no need.
Sandra: I think he’d say yes if I called.
Takeshi: Actually I was happy that he kept asking me. Because I really wanted it, but was just nervous.
Sandra: You were just nervous that you can’t do the job?
Takeshi: Right.
Sandra: Then you think too little of yourself…
Takeshi : Well, I didn’t want to cause him to lose face.
Sandra: Well, the mere fact he looked for you means he has confidence in you!
Sandra:That night watching the premiere, I was sitting beside Takeshi. I noticed that Director used large frames filming the men’s faces. This big. So I asked Takeshi…hey, each screen shot shows your young face! Then, everyone else have dirt on their face (from the fights), including you. But I noticed something…my girl friends told me too… you don’t have pores (it doesn’t show). Do you remember me telling you that evening?
Takeshi: Because I was the youngest in the film!
Sandra: Did you have any special make up?
Takeshi: No. The make up artist did the same for all of us.
Sandra: Is she from Hong Kong?
Takeshi: Yeah..yeah..
Sandra: Not from the US?
Takeshi: No. It’s the same artist for everyone.
Sandra: Do you notice that you have smooth skin?
Takeshi: uh.. *laughs* I don’t look at myself like that…
Sandra: Because many of my girl friends ask me to check with you what you do to keep your skin that nice..
Takeshi: Do you think the camera’s focus was just not sharp? *laughs Maybe it was too close, it blurred.
Sandra: Nah… did you notice it yourself?
Takeshi: No… I really didn’t pay attention to it.
[ 本帖最後由 ninjakitten1 於 2008-1-4 06:52 編輯 ]

阿管   2008-1-4 22:42  武氣  +10   Thank You for Sharing!

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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2008-1-4 00:08  資料 短消息 
Sandra: Now, there was 3 roles and they were all hard to portray in “Warlords”. Your’s was the naive one, Andy’s was the faithful elder brother. I think it was like Samo Hong-type of elder bro, the kind that will watch out for others. But if Director didn’t already assign a role to you, which role would you have picked?
Takeshi: Well, I would like to try any of the three…if you ask me this question. If I had chance, of course, I’d like to try out each one of them.
Sandra: How about between Jet Li and Andy’s role…who would you pick?
Takeshi: I think Andy suits his role perfectly. He can make the role even richer.
Takeshi: Especially scenes that emphasize on brother-like friendship, he can play the part much better. That’s why I think he’s (Andy Lau)acting here is very good.
Sandra: So, if you can choose, you’d choose Andy’s character?
Takeshi: After watching him play the role, I would think about trying it myself. Because I didn’t think the role of a 2nd brother can be like that. Because in the movie “Ci Ma”, the eldest brother’s role was very clear. That’s one, I would be interested in trying too. Because it also include themes on love and brotherhood in it, and also aspirations and dreams. I think they are all very challenging.
Sandra: How about your role? Do you think it was challenging? You mentioned that the roles are always very sad.
Takeshi: Originally I didn’t think it was going to be complicated. I thought it would be fairly simple. I thought I just have to stand there at one side. *laughs*
Sandra: *laughs Like just standing by.
Takeshi: *laughs Because those twos are both senior to me, so I didn’t expect that my role was going to be tough as well. I’m in tears in a lot of the scenes.
Sandra: Is it because of the environment you were in? Andy Lau once told me that those scenes are very tough. He actually ran fourteen times in that big area. Could it be because the story plus the toughness of the situation that brought tears to you?
Takeshi: I don’t know. I really don’t know. It’s probably not because the toughness of the working environment. Otherwise, then the crying scenes would have been easier *laughs* The Director explains to us clearly what needs to be done. And the art team helps us a lot. From creating the setting and other aspects of art that can affect us. So it’s not because the job is tough, but I think it’s more so because the environment allows us to slip into the character quick, adding to the (outstanding) performances of Jet Li and Andy Lau, and other actors. They’re acting can be contagious to me.

阿管   2008-1-6 03:47  武氣  +10   Thank You for Sharing!

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UID 983
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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2008-1-4 00:11  資料 短消息 
Sandra: You know, I’ve been to the set to watch filming. I’ve seen hundreds of actors dressed up as soldiers, it’s so dusty and all. Is it really possible for them to spend many hours just to take this one single scene of hundreds of soldiers??
Takeshi: Yes. Sometimes it does take that long.
Sandra: They’re just standing there. It’s cold and nothing (to do)..plus it’s windy and dusty.
Takeshi: Well, they don’t know what’s going on either. They’re actually kind of pitiful too, because they don’t know what’s going on. I think their part is kind of hard actually.
Sandra: Agree. I think it is so tough, especially when you guys have horse riding scenes. For example, Takeshi had a scene where he attacks and tries to block other weapons. Man. Is it total chaos when filming these scenes? Is it hard?
Takeshi: Yes it is (Asianbuzz: in Cantonese ).
Sandra: How many times did you have to film it to get it right?
Takeshi: I think it took a week. And I’m still running! *laughs*
Sandra: A week? Actually we just so a few frames of it. *laughs* Are there…*laughs* are there scenes where while you were running..*laughs*..you go like, “Director, just get a double (stuntman) for me!!*laughs*
Takeshi: *laughs* If it is a far scene, I think there was…Because sometimes we won’t be there. And when the character needs to be there, then we just need a substitute at that time to make it work.
Sandra: Tell me about a scene where it’s just the three of you (leading characters).
Takeshi: Well, we’re mostly assigned one after the other…It won’t be like acting on stage, it’s usually separately done.
Sandra: I always think that actors usually don’t give it all during rehearsals. I think they give it all (emotions) only when the camera is rolling. Then other (actors) would be like “oh…so that’s how you were thinking of doing it?” *laughs Do you have that experience, where you saw one actor go 100% in an emotional scene so you follow along?
Takeshi: Hmm.. I think it was okay. There was more scenes of the two of them. My scenes were mostly by myself. Mine were mostly watching them, their reactions and not with them, conflicting with them.
Sandra: That’s advantageous for you then. You watch them fight and you just observe.
Takeshi: Because they have more scenes together. So I watch their communication and do my own.
Sandra: *laughs* Then like I said, you got it made for you.
Takeshi: Well, it was still tiring. Because it requires showing emotions.
Sandra: Well, let me ask you. Is it harder to be in movie with just 3 men (as main characters).
Takeshi: Actually, the more actor there is, the tougher it gets. Because the things that the Director wants from the film is just so much. Because he would want to talk about the eldest, second or the youngest brother or maybe about this girl… So after that, it’s finished. He would listen to Jet or Andy, hmm…they bought have a point. Or Takeshi has a point too. But he’s a very nice guy, he’d listen to ideas. But actually it’s the easiest thing to do to just do as the Director says. I think it would be the most precise and wise thing to do.
Sandra: *laughs* But that’s not what I heard from Andy. He said the Director is not very decisive. He said the Director lets you do whatever you want.
Takeshi: What I mean is…there’s a lot that the Director wants to get done.
Sandra: Greedy!
Takeshi: Right, most Directors are like that anyway.
Sandra: Ah..so he lets you do it (play the part) first and let’s see later. Is there any specific scene from the movie that you think is the toughest for you ever, something you’ve never done before. Like you said that scene that took a week to film…well, I remember seeing that filming where you were killing Jet’s character. It was raining and all, and the ground was dirty. How about that one? was that the hardest scene for you?
Takeshi: Well, that was tough also. It also took a week to film that.
Sandra: Yeah. You were just getting beaten up by Jet, breaking your arms.
Takeshi: yeah, it was supposed to rain. But the weather turned out good, so we can only film a little bit each time. So once it got dark, we immediately filmed.
Sandra: So you were wet for one week and cold for one week. So what do you do in those scenes where you have to be all wet?
Takeshi: Well we wear clothing that protects us from the water, similar to raincoats.
Sandra: What about the head? water still drips down to your neck.
Takeshi: *laughs* I just learned then that I only have one hat. And that hat kept on shrinking and shrinking! *laughs So later I looked at the hat again, it looked ugly!
Sandra: But you had a substitute/double
Takeshi: Well, his was also shrinking too! Because we didn’t really plan for me to be wearing that particular costume.
Sandra: So you didn’t have time to make more hats? Then what happened? It’s just wrapping tightly around the head?
Takeshi: *laughs* Right…
Sandra: Did it keep falling in fight scenes
Takeshi: Yes. That’s why it felt so weird. Costumes can actually be a burden in fight scenes if they aren’t well planned for.
Sandra: Many people said that your style (in the movie) was different. You were always scene as gently, clean. This film showed the rough side of you…very manly.
Takeshi: Thank you
Sandra: Unlike how you are all cleanly shaved now, you won’t have that manly effect. *laughs At that time, did you like your new look?
Message from AsianBuzz: TO BE CONTINUED


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