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標題: 金城武扮完諸葛亮當鬼武者 片酬衝1.6億
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發表於 2007-11-19 17:09  資料 文集 短消息 
金城武扮完諸葛亮當鬼武者 片酬衝1.6億





【2007/11/19 聯合晚報】@ http://udn.com/

Rank: 8Rank: 8

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發表於 2007-11-19 17:16  資料 文集 短消息 
AFM: Word From Gans’ ONIMUSHA and Basset’s SOLOMON KANE
Posted by Todd Brown at 10:20am.
Posted in Film News , Martial Arts, Action, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, USA & Canada, AFM 2007.

Prior to packing up for today’s departure from the American Film Market I opted to make one last spin through the market offices to see what I may have missed one earlier treks and was greatly rewarded when I wandered in to the realm of Essential Entertainment, home to producer Samuel Hadida.  Essential have two huge projects on the go that are of great interest in these parts ...

First is Christophe Gans’ adaptation of Onimusha, the high octane supernatural martial arts video game.  There have been rumors about this film seemingly forever and it is now well underway and deep into the preproduction process with an eye to shooting in early 2008.  Cast and finance are in place, the entire thing is storyboarded and I was treated to a look at animatic treatments of two major action sequences - the opening battle and the final one on one duel that closes the picture.  This thing is going to be simply huge and, if the opening survives as currently envisioned, very bloody.  Takeshi Kaneshiro will play the role of Samanosuke - a role he also filled in the original game - with Tsuyoshi Ihara and Emilie de Ravin rounding out the headline cast. While the people manning the office weren’t sure who would be filling the secondary fighters roles Tony Ching is handling the choreography so you know it’s going to be good.

The second big essential title is Solomon Kane which marks the arrival of yet another character from Conan creator Robert E Howard to the big screen.  Michael Bassett of Wilderness is directing from his own script, which marks a huge step up from the scale of his previous work.  There were fewer materials from this to look at but the pre-production art is gorgeous, the script and storyboards are all complete and, again, filming is due to start in 2008.

http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/ ... ssets-solomon-kane/

[ 本帖最後由 阿管 於 2007-11-19 17:17 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-11-19 18:16  資料 短消息 


Aniki~You are the BEST!
^0^ by 米蘭達

發表於 2007-11-20 00:51 
金城武演活諸葛亮 片酬衝1.6億

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 983
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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2007-11-20 10:21  資料 短消息 


The Story for Christophe Gans' Onimusha
Source: Mirza
November 7, 2007

Last week, we told you that filming for Christophe (Silent Hill) Gans' adaptation of video game Onimusha is expected to start in April of 2008. Now, we've got the synopsis for the fantasy action-adventure based on the Capcom game which includes spoilers:

In feudal Japan, 1582, the warlord Nobunaga is ambushed by ninjas, led by the brave samurai Samanosuke. Trapped, Nobunaga commits seppuku, but two sinister sorcerers reanimate Nobunaga's corpse with a half-human insect larvae. The resurrected Nobunaga orders the capture of two very special women to fulfill his evil plans.

When Britta, the daughter of a Dutch merchant, is abducted on board a ship by seemingly invincible warriors, her tutor and confidant Jacob pursues her captors, vowing to rescue her at all costs. Meanwhile, the beautiful Princess Yuki is also kidnapped, this time by ninjas that reveal themselves, incredibly, to be part spider. In search of Yuki, Samanosuke joins forces with Jacob to vanquish their common foe. In the Cave of Elders, he receives a magical sword that will slay all within its reach—friend or foe—and learns of a sinister ceremony at Inabayama Castle intended to blot out the sun.

Performing a dangerous, stealthy invasion of the castle, Samanosuke and Jacob find the women they love dressed as Moon Princess and Daughter of the Sun, ready to be wed to and ravished by Nobunaga. Aided by their allies, the two warriors attack the insectoid hordes, but Samanosuke falls in battle, seemingly dead. In a mystical encounter, he is given the option to survive and fight—but it comes at a terrible cost...
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 983
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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2007-11-20 10:25  資料 短消息 
The link below provides commentary from fans of ONIMUSHA 3 (in the US). The plot for the movie undermines Samanosuke's main role, and fans are not happy.

http://kotaku.com/gaming/movies/ ... ite-folk-320176.php

Onimusha Plot Revealed, Shoehorns In Some White Folk
Viideo game film adaptations are generally poorly received, but the upcoming Hollywood transformation of Capcom's Onimusha seemed to be on the right track. When the production announced the wise casting of Takeshi Kaneshiro as lead demon slayer in Christophe Gans adaptation, I wondered "When's some clueless executive going to come around and fuck this thing up the right way?" Well, we may have an answer. The upcoming plot of Onimusha the movie has been revealed.

Sure, the Onimusha series is no stranger to throwing in an out of place European or two, rather unexpectedly, but this just smacks of icky casting to up the white people quotient. Here's a snippet.

"When Britta, the daughter of a Dutch merchant, is abducted on board a ship by seemingly invincible warriors, her tutor and confidant Jacob pursues her captors, vowing to rescue her at all costs. Meanwhile, the beautiful Princess Yuki is also kidnapped, this time by ninjas that reveal themselves, incredibly, to be part spider. In search of Yuki, Samanosuke joins forces with Jacob to vanquish their common foe."

I can only assume that the listing of Samanosuke and Yuki's existence in the plot line as secondary is indicative of the importance of their roles in the story. Since Gans churned out such a sloppy Silent Hill adaptation, I don't really have much in the way of faith for Onimusha. That's probably a good thing, since my attachment to Onimusha isn't nearly as strong as Silent Hill. More details on the film's outline are at Coming Soon.
Rank: 8Rank: 8

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發表於 2007-11-20 11:15  資料 短消息 
回復 #6 ninjakitten1 的帖子

Dear ninjakitten1, thanks for sharing.
I had read this piece when fans shared it on English forum.

Look forward long to have Takeshi be the Samanosuke on big screen but I am too…
quite disappointed after reading this script story.  

The film being plan for years, and the producer side keep saying that they are seeking for
Takeshi to act a role. As up to today Takeshi agent still not yet announced anything
officially…..if he really taking up the role, hope and trust his agent will asking for a better
position for him.  

Takeshi is not necessary to gain any frame or wealth through this so call international project.
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 983
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註冊 2007-11-4
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發表於 2007-11-20 11:49  資料 短消息 
Dear Sara,

Thanks for your response, and I agree that Takeshi does not need this international project.

I had been following the Onimusha adaptation story for a few months now, and it seemed that Takeshi had been confirmed many times, but only recently bloggers seem to say with certainty that he is on board. When I saw this thread, my heart broke a little bit...

I am really happy (and not surprised, possibly) to hear that the news is not confirmed. I agree with you; Kaneshiro as Samanosuke would be FANTASTIC. He is the star of Demon Siege, but if the plot for the movie is true, then it is nothing like the original. That is fine, but his role will reduced in a way that is very disturbing.

I hope, like you, that
a) this news is not confirmed or
b) if the news is true, that Takeshi's representatives will demand a new script.


[Thanks, by the way, to this site for always bringing in latest news and pics. I have been silently enjoying the goodies you all bring as well as Creamy's Youtube uploads for a very long time! I am glad to contribute when I can.]
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發表於 2007-11-20 11:54  資料 文集 短消息  Yahoo!
New reports were misleading, they said TK left Red Cliff and returned to Japan for new movie shooting, but actually he returned for the discussion of Onimusha. It's a good news to us, I remember a few months ago, we heard that there were promotion of Onimusha (movie) in Canne but TK's manager said nobody contact them for discussion on this matter, so we thought it might be a gossip /rumor.

p.s. ninjiakitten1, please keep searching for updated news of Onimusha as this is a project of western investors, so you should get the news more easily on english websites.

[ 本帖最後由 Creamy 於 2007-11-20 12:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

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發表於 2007-11-20 12:28  資料 短消息 

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發表於 2007-11-20 19:18  資料 短消息 
金城武价码水涨船高 传片酬直冲五百万美元

星岛环球网 www.singtaonet.com




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發表於 2007-11-21 21:17  資料 短消息 
2007 年 11 月 21 日(星期三) ON.CC



金 城 武 近 期 在 影 壇 曝 光 率 極 高 , 繼 《 投 名 狀 》 及 《 赤 壁 》 後 , 另 一 部 大 片 《 鬼 武 者 》 亦 有 意 找 他 做 男 主 角 , 片 酬 更 是 《 赤 》 片 的 四 倍 , 認 真 巴 閉 !

金 城 武 在 電 影 《 赤 壁 》 中 飾 演 諸 葛 亮 , 導 演 吳 宇 森 及 監 製 張 家 振 對 他 的 演 技 讚 不 絕 口 , 獲 兩 位 國 際 級 電 影 人 開 聲 力 撐 , 金 城 武 的 身 價 自 然 亦 愈 叫 愈 高 , 最 近 便 有 法 國 片 商 打 金 城 武 主 意 , 欲 將 電 玩 《 鬼 武 者 》 改 編 搬 上 銀 幕 !

金 城 武 完 成 《 赤 壁 》 的 戲 份 後 , 已 到 了 日 本 斟 洽 新 一 輪 工 作 。 據 了 解 , 日 本 人 氣 電 玩 《 鬼 武 者 》 將 躍 登 大 銀 幕 , 該 電 玩 的 主 角 「 鬼 武 者 」 , 當 初 便 是 根 據 金 城 武 的 外 形 來 設 計 , 金 城 武 還 參 與 了 遊 戲 的 製 作 , 如 今 電 玩 拍 電 影 , 金 城 武 當 然 是 不 二 之 選 !

片 酬 高 《 赤 壁 》 四 倍
外 傳 金 城 武 今 次 片 酬 十 分 和 味 , 高 達 五 百 多 萬 美 元 , 即 四 千 多 萬 港 元 , 比 起 《 赤 壁 》 千 多 萬 港 元 多 出 四 倍 , 也 是 金 城 武 入 行 以 來 片 酬 的 最 高 紀 錄 !

鑑 於 投 資 《 鬼 武 者 》 電 影 的 法 國 片 商 正 跟 金 城 武 接 洽 , 故 金 城 武 的 經 理 人 公 司 對 此 暫 不 願 作 任 何 回 應 。

另 方 面 , 昨 日 有 電 影 《 赤 壁 》 的 劇 組 人 員 爆 料 , 指 《 赤 》 片 中 林 志 玲 飾 演 的 「 小 喬 」 , 在 片 中 除 了 是 周 瑜 夫 人 外 , 還 是 曹 操 的 至 愛 , 三 人 大 鬧 三 角 戀 ! 此 外 , 昨 亦 有 指 林 志 玲 因 為 劇 組 的 膳 食 太 好 以 致 胖 起 來 , 被 劇 組 要 求 減 肥 , 以 免 不 連 戲 !

文 : 影 視 組
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發表於 2007-11-22 21:35  資料 主頁 短消息  Yahoo!


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  《鬼武者》是CAPCOM公司最早發行在PS系主機上的動作遊戲,《鬼武者》的舞台設定於日本戰國的安土桃山時代,主人公「明智左馬介」的造型模特和配音都由金城武擔當。毫無疑問,這次他也是電影主演的最佳人選。2004年發售的系列第3作《鬼武者3》中,金城武除了再次擔任主角模特外,也參與了製作過程。2007年10月末到11月7日開始的世界最大規模電影展「2007年American Film Market」上,《鬼武者》的電影海報聚集起了各方話題。


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