¼ÐÃD: <§ë¦W状>2007¦~12¤ë6¤é¥_¨Êº¬M礼实录 [¥´¦L¥»¶]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 02:59 ¼ÐÃD: <§ë¦W状>2007¦~12¤ë6¤é¥_¨Êº¬M礼实录 ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤@
¤p¨| ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 10:38 ¦n¥i·R³á ¯u¬O½Õ¥Öªº¤j¨k«Ä
ªüºÞ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 15:14静¤I¨ÌµM¬O静¤I
Å¥¨ì ªü¿ß »¡¡§别¥s¤pªZ¡A¥sª÷«°ªZ¡¨
¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 16:06 ÁÂÁÂ¥_¨Ê¿ß¡BÁÂÁÂÀR¨à!(happy~)
sara ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 17:56 ÁÂÁÂ¥_¨Ê¿ß¡BÁÂÁÂÀR¨à!(happy~)
ªüªZ¦n»{¯u¦n¸ÛÀµ¦n¥J²Óªº¦^µªÀR¨à~ ÀR¨à§r~~~§A²¢¤J¤ß.
ÃèÀY«ÜæӥB¦n²M·¡³á! ©ç±o¤ñ±M·~¦n! ¯»µ·²´¤¤ªº ª÷«°ªZ ¦bÃèÀY¤U¤]¬Ý¤]è°¨Ç
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 18:46 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤G 认¯u¸Ñ读剧¤¤¨¤¦â«¸¤È阳ªºªZ
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥_¨Ê¿ß ©ó 2007-12-9 20:20 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 18:47 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤T ¦^µª问题时ªºªZ¤â¤W¤p动§@¶W¦h^^
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥_¨Ê¿ß ©ó 2007-12-9 20:20 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 18:49 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¥| ¦P¤@ªö访区,¬Û¦Pªº问题¦^µª¤F两¹M,尽ºÞ±ÅS¤£悦,¦ý还¬O¤S¸Ñµª ¤F¤@¹M,ªZªº@¤ß,赞¤@个!
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥_¨Ê¿ß ©ó 2007-12-9 19:56 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 19:09 ¤p¨| §Ú们ªº标签¬O"¯»丝"¦Z®¬没¥h学·s闻呐
ªüºÞ 这张图¤ù¤Ó强¤F!¦n险´Nn©ç¨ì§Ú们,静¤I´N¦b图¤ù³Ì¥k侧¨º¦ì闭²´¨k¤hªº¥ª边,¦Ó§Ú´N¦b¥Lªº¨¦Z,¤ô§Æ,CICIAN,»Ä¥¤¤j®a³£¶°¤¤¦bªZªº¥k¤â边,¼K¼K,¦n险¼v¨ì¤j®a
¥¬¥¬贝尔 ¡§¥ªÃ䦳¤@Ó¬ï¶Â¦çªA¡BÂù¤â¥æ¤e¤@ÁyÄYµÂªº¤k¤H¡¨¯uªº¬O«Ü®£©Æ,¨º两¹D´H¥ú³v¤@审视过¦b场ªº¨C¤@¦ì记ªÌ,当µM¤]¥]¬A§Ú们¤个
Sara 谢谢¦j奖 §Úªº¨¯W没¦³¥Õ费,¨ä实¥¿对ªZ©ç摄ªZªº²´·ú会§ó¤j§ó«G¨Ç,¦Ó§Ú现¦b¬O45«×¨¤Á©ç,§Ú¥»来·Q尝试®y¤U,¦ý«e±Æªº¤k记头发¤Ó½´,¥eÕu«Ü¤j画±,¤Ó¼v响画±ªº¬ü·P,©Ò¥H¥u¦n¯¸°_来¤F,¤£ª¾¦ó时开©l,§Ú®Ç边¤T¦ì¤k记¨«¤F,§Ú´N¤S¦V¥k¸ó¤F¤@¨B,镜头¥¿¦n¥¿对着ªZ,开¤ß§r
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥_¨Ê¿ß ©ó 2007-12-9 19:45 ½s¿è ]
Creamy ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 19:19 ¼ÐÃD: ¥H¤U¬ONinjakitten1 ¦V¥_¨ÊªZ°gªºP·N"Dear--
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on seeing Kaneshiro up close.
Your voice is so steady when you ask questions! And the camera is so steady. It's like a professional taking footage!
You are so poised and confident. And Kaneshiro is so eager to respond. He seems so approachable and friendly, and so caring towards his fans. It is really heartwarming.
Most of all, thank you for sharing."
§A̪ºµo°Ý¤Î©çÄá³£¬Û·í¥Ã¡A±µªñ±M·~ªº¤ô·Ç! §A̯«ºA¦ÛY¤Î¦Û«H¡A¦ÓªZ¤S«Ü¼ö¤ß¦a¦^µª¡A¥L¬Ý¦ü«Ü®e©ö¿Ëªñ¤Î¤Íµ½¡A¤]«ÜÃö¤ß¥Lªº¯»µ·Ì¡C¯uªº«ÜºÛ¤ß¡C
³Ì«nªº¬O, ÁÂÁ§A̪º¤À¨É¡C
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Creamy ©ó 2007-12-9 19:21 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 19:43 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤ ªZ¤½¥¬¤F08¦~ªº¤u§@计¦E,º¥ýn©ç¤@³¡¤é¥»电¼v,¤é¥»ªZ°g¦³ºÖ¤F
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 20:15 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤» ªZªº动§@¹³个¤j¨k«Ä,¥i爱§r
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 20:36 谢谢Creamy¥N为传话©M½译
Ninjakitten1 I'm glad you like my pics and vedios,but first one that ask question's girl is not me,it's TK's fan jing'er from shanghai.
TK faced reporter,not fans
"He seems so approachable and friendly"---That's true,I agree with you
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 20:54 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤C ¨ØªA»Ä¥¤问题渐进¦¡¤@个±µ着¤@个,ª½¨ì静¤I©Ô¤F»Ä¥¤ªº¦ç¨¤¤~总ºâ°±¤U来
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥_¨Ê¿ß ©ó 2007-12-9 21:03 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 21:54 ¼ÐÃD: ¤À区ªö访视频¤K¤À¤§¤K §Ú颤§Ýªº声µ让¤j®a见¯º¤F,¤S´£问¤S©ç摄还n¦^应着ªZªº¦^应,对¤_¯»丝ªº§Ú,¯uªº尽¤O¤F@_@
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 22:17 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Ê¤À厅ªö访©ç·Ó时间 ªZ帅½¤F!!!静¤I´£¨Ñ^^
¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 23:30 ¥_¨Ê¿ßªºÁnµ¦r¥¿µÄ¶ê«Ü¦nÅ¥ªº¡AÅ¥¤£¥X¨Ó¦³§Ýªº
ªüªZªºªí±¡¦nÂ×´I³á~¦Ó¥B¦^µª°ÝÃDªº¤f®ð¦n·Å¬X ´Nºâ¦³¥Õ¥Øªº°OªÌ´£°Ý¤F¡u¨ª¾À¡vªº°ÝÃD¤]¬O«Ü©MÃC®®¦âªº¦V¦o»¡©ú²{¦b¬O¡u§ë¦Wª¬¡vªº«Å¶Ç¤£¾A¦X°Ý¡u¨ª¾À¡vªº°ÝÃD~
ªü¨Ø ®É¶¡: 2007-12-9 23:56 ¨þ¨þ¨þ~~~
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 21:00 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Ê·s闻发¥¬会 ªZ§âª±着¦Û¤v§ë©ú状¤¤³y«¬ªºª±°¸,¯º±o«Ü开¤ß^^ 谢谢静¤I©ð着««ªº礼ª«,还为¤j®a带¦^ºë±m视频
tulip ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 21:06
Here comes 1 of 8 of Beijing Cat's clip. Enjoy!
·P¿E©Ò¦³¨ì现场为§Ú们«_险ªº¯»丝¡C src="./images/smilies/handshake.gif" border=0 smilieid="17">
Before I start, I must say that he looks and sounds so sincere throughout the session. I am deeply touched by this.
This guy, you (or me rather) just got to love him.
(Came in, sat down, waited for 5seconds, no one said anything)
TK: No questions? (Pretended to leave the room)
Everyone: Yes! Lots of questions¡K
Jing-er (fans from Shanghai): Xiao Wu¡K (Little Wu, only those who loves him as much as we do will call him by this name) (Beijing cat corrected: Not Xiao WU, Jing Cheng Wu)
Jing-Er: Jing Cheng Wu, I want to ask about the last scene at which you killed Jet Li, Cheng Xiao Dong (the martial art director for this film) said that it is very distinguished; you also said that it was a difficult scene for you. Was it hard because of the actions that you have to do or the way you have to handle your emotion? Were you worried about being hit by Jet Li?
TK: No, it was hard because the directors put a lot of emphasis on the last scene, and they usually have many ideas about the last scene. As it is the last scene, everyone tried to present the best for this major scene to get the best result. We spend a lot of time in planning and thinking over and over how we would like it to be done. In the end the director chose this style as he wanted us to express the story rather than trying to do the right thing. During the process of shooting, in getting the correct perspectives, it wasn¡¦t simple but not hard either. But we needed rain for that scene and some computerised background to be added to the scene and those are the things that made it hard.
Jing-er: how many days did it take you?
TK: How many days? (thinking hard) around one week
Jing-er: Did you hurt yourself?
TK: erm¡K. I don¡¦t remember
Jing-er: Thank you
TK: (quietly) you¡¦re welcome
To be continued¡K.
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ tulip ©ó 2007-12-10 22:41 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 21:28 tulip ¤Ó让§Ú·P动 §A¦b½译§Ú录ªº视频,§Ú´À广¤j§v¤£À´¬Ý¤£À´ªº¥~国ªZ°g谢谢§A
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 21:51 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Ê¨¯W¦uÔªºªZ°g¨¼v 奋战¦b¥|¤级´H风¤¤两¤p时ªº¤j®a¤Ó让§Ú·P动¤F
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 22:04 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Ê¨¯W¦uÔªºªZ°g¨¼v2 ¤£§¹¾ã纪录,¤j®a¨¯W¤F!!
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 22:48 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨ÊªZ°g³Û声¾_¤Ñ 猫¤½©çªº,¤j®a§ä§äª÷«°ªZ ¬Û«H这¨½ªº¤j®a¬O¤õ²´ª÷·úªº,³£·Ó¨ìªZ©ï¤â¤F,¦A©ç¤@点´N¥i¥H录¨ì冲§Ú们挥¤â¤F
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-10 23:18 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨ÊªZ°g³Û声¾_¤Ñ 这个ª©¥»¬O§Ú©çªº,静¤I举ªº·Ó¤ù刚¦n挡¨ì 54¦WªZ°g¯u¤£¬O盖ªº,³Û声¤s响,¤j®a¦n样ªº!
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 00:24 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¤§«¸¤È阳¡]¤W¡^ ¯»丝¨¤«×¬Ý±ß会¡AªZ±µ¨ü单独ªö访¤§¤W³¡
®ü¦Ì ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 01:15 猫¡A静¤I¡A赞¡I¡I¡I~
«z¶ë¶ë¡A记ªÌ®uÖêüªZ这¤\ªñ¡A¤f¤ô~¤f¤ô~~¡]¬y¤f¤ô应该³£¬Ý±o见§a ¡^
®ü¦Ì ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 01:31 ªü猫对静¤I§C声¤@¥y¡G¡§¦º¯«³£©ç§¹¤F¡¨
¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 15:0754¦WªZ°g¯u¤£¬O盖ªº,³Û声¤s响,¤j®a¦n样ªº!
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ©ó 2007-12-11 15:18 ½s¿è ]
ninjakitten1 ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 17:06 1. ¥_¨Ê¿ß , §Ú´¿经¬Ý过§Aªº录¹³带¦h¦¸. ª÷«°ªZ¥O§Ú¤Ó°ª兴¡C§A让§Ú开¤ß¡C§Úªº¤ß°±¤î¡A§Ú¨C¦¸见¨ìª÷«°ªZ. 谢谢, ¥_¨Ê¿ß
2. 这¬O³Ì¦nªºª÷«°ªZSÊI¯¸
(Again, I am sure my response above is a mess.... )
ninjakitten1 ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 17:14Tulip,
For some reason, paragraph breaks are not working for me, so bear with me.
Tulip, Tulip, Tulip, ah, Tulip I cannot thank you enough. I know that you are so very busy, and you still have taken the time to translate for me.
"TK (Came in, sat down, waited for 5seconds, no one said anything)
TK: No questions? (Pretended to leave the room)
Aww...so adorable. So, so, sooooo sweet. I love his sense of humor. (What on earth was Chan talking about when he couldn't see TK in a comedic role. Hello? "Golden Bowl" anyone?)
"Jing-er: Did you hurt yourself?
TK: erm¡K. I don¡¦t remember
Jing-er: Thank you
TK: (quietly )
you¡¦re welcome "
So lovely!
TULIP: Thanks to you, I am going to sleep with a smile on my face. Please, dear friend, do not overwork yourself. I will happy with even a single translated line from you.
tulip ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 19:50 ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ #21 ¥_¨Ê¿ß ªº©«¤l & ninjakitten1¥_¨Ê猫为§Ú们°µªº¤]«Ü让§Ú们·P动°Ú src="./images/smilies/smile.gif" border=0 smilieid="1">
Ninjakitten1, I might not be able to post any tonight
as I am having difficulty understanding a lot of the second part myself src="./images/smilies/sweat.gif" border=0 smilieid="10">
Bear with me, it will come src="./images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border=0 smilieid="28">
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 22:56 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¤§«¸¤È阳¡]¤U¡^ ¤j®aªþ©M§Ú³Û"ª÷«°ªZ",终¤_§âªZªºª`·N¤O§l¤Þ过来,¦V§Ú们挥¤F¤â
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 23:02 ®ü¦Ì ¦n¦Õ¤O §v¨ì§Ú´£¿ô¡¨¦º¯«¤w经©ç§¹¤F¡¨ ¦ý¬O¤£¬O´£¿ô静¤I,¬O»Ä¥¤,这®a¥ë©È¬O¤w经³QªZ电晕¤F
谢谢¥¬¥¬贝尔 ¦h¦¸´£¨ì谢谢猫¤½,这点¤Ó«n¤F §Aª¾¹D¥L¬O«Ü¤pÉaªº,¤£给¥L²¢枣,©È¬O©ú¦~¤£¦ý¤£帮¦£,还会§è§Ú¦Z»L §A¦j¤F¥L,这点§Ú会强调强调¦A强调 §A谢谢静¤I§Ú会¥N为转达
What a lovely girl ninjakitten1 is Thank you so carefully, I am very impressed.I¡¦m happy you enjoy it
Tulip «e±Æ¤k记ªÌ§Ú¦b现场³£没§v²M·¡¦o们¦b窃窃¨p语Ô£,¯u¬O难为§A¤F
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 23:05 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会ªZ击¹ª 鸣¹ª启动仪¦¡
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-11 23:48 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会ªZI¼v ªZ¥x¤U´N®yªºI¼v¡A¤Ñ晓±o§Ú¤£¬Oªá·ö°Ú^.^
ninjakitten1 ®É¶¡: 2007-12-12 10:441. Goodness me, Creamy, this response is so late! Thank you for translating my message! I think between the time I sent you my email request to you translating and posting the message was a few minutes. You are awesome! Without your help (constant help), I would never be able to post on the forum, so thank you. 2. Tulip, NO RUSH. Take your time. And if it helps, just do summaries. I know that you are super busy. Also, I am just so grateful that you are even taking the time to translate for me. I will wait for as long as you need me to... ...even a year. 3. ¥_¨Ê¿ß !!!! My message made sense?
¥_¨Ê¿ß , I have been watching your videos OVER and OVER and OVER again . EXCELLENT WORK . THANK YOU!
* I just cannot get paragraph breaks in this media section. Creamy, there is another email coming your way...your poor thing
¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-12 11:16 ¼ÐÃD: ¦^´_ #34 ¥_¨Ê¿ß ªº©«¤l
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-13 23:25 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¤@ ¥¬¥¬贝尔 §A¤]发现«¥们¤T个¦r"ª÷«°ªZ"¤ñ两个¦rªº"华¥J"¦Y亏许¦h ¬Û对ªZ°g来ªº内敛许¦h ªZ¥¿¦p¦Ñ®}©Ò说---«Ü¥i爱^^
ªü¨Ø ®É¶¡: 2007-12-14 01:43 猫©MªZ°g们¥i¥H³Û¡§¤pªZ¡¨°Ú
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-15 00:04 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¤G ªZ©M华¥J抢´È¤l 这¬qªZ¥D说
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-16 11:25 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¤T 请±Ð»´äªºªZ°g¡A华¥J©Ò说ªº¡§¤Q¥|¦¸¡A¦b»´än³Q§ì¡¨§@¦ó¸Ñ释
¥¬¥¬¨©º¸ ®É¶¡: 2007-12-16 12:14 ¥_¨Ê¿ß¡AÁÂÁ§A!
ªZ°g¤ñ¸û¸`¨î¤ñ¸û·|¬Ý®É¾÷³Û~¦Ñ®}ÆgªüªZ¥i·R ªüªZ²¢°Ú~(¼H¼H~)
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-16 21:59 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¥| ªZ饶¦³兴½ì§v着¤ù¤¤¨ä¥L¥ë¦ñªº¹õ¦Zªáµ¶
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-16 22:09 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¤ 陈导"¬½¬½"¦a¦j¤F¤@¤UªZ©M华¥J ¥¬¥¬贝尔ªº签¦W档§Ú爱 ¦³创·N
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-16 23:14 ¼ÐÃD: 20071206§ë¦W状¥_¨Êº¬M±ß会¥D创¸s访¤» 陈导±µ着¦j¦Ñ®}©M§õ连ªN
tulip ®É¶¡: 2007-12-17 19:47 ¼ÐÃD: translation 2 of 8SE = Someone Elseffice ffice" />
To be honest a lot of time I can¡¦t hear them. Either the room was too noisy or they were being too far away from Beijing Cat¡¦s camera.
SE: ¡K.. what do you think about your character in this movie?
TK: When I play the role of this character I tried to understand and agree with his thinking. Hence I can respect and comprehend with the things he chooses to do¡K
SE: Did you have any affectionate scenes with Xu Jing-Lei?
TK: Our relationship is more like older sister and younger brother in this movie. Affectionate scenes? We don¡¦t have any love scenes as such. She had more to do with my 2 older brothers.
SE: ¡K.
TK: Really? I didn¡¦t know that. Hahhaa
(and then there is a good 35seconds of I don¡¦t know what they are talking about)
TK: ¡K who knows? (something something) was upset for sure, because you are doing something that you can¡¦t even forgive yourself for. But why do you still do it? Because this is what the pledge is about. If you don¡¦t do that then you cannot make the pledge continue. Because the whole story begins with this pledge, this is how you get your beloved brothers. So you have to do that.
SE: ¡K..
TK: ¡K not possible, this is what it is. Because I was the youngest, I can agree with oldest brother¡¦s point of view. I can also agree with second brother.
To be continued
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ tulip ©ó 2007-12-17 21:19 ½s¿è ]
¥_¨Ê¿ß ®É¶¡: 2007-12-17 23:09 tulip ¨¯W¤F §n¬O¦]为ªö访区³£¬O开©ñªº,现场¥u¬O临时摆©ñ¤F¤L个«Å传¬ÝªO´Nºâ¬O¹j开¤F¤L个ªö访区,§Ú们¦Z±´N¬O过¹D,©Ò¥H«Ü§n ®à¤Wªº麦§J,§ó¬O聋¤lªº¦Õ¦·---摆设
Beryl ®É¶¡: 2007-12-18 14:02 ¥_¨Ê¿ß¡AÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁÂÁ§AÌ¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^¡^
ÀR¨à ®É¶¡: 2008-1-1 19:23 虽µM来±o±ß¤F点¡A还¬On谢谢ªüºÞ©M¤j®a对§Úªº¦j奖©M¹ª励¡A¥b¦~¤F³£没ªk来这¨½¡A还¯u·Q¤j®a¡A现¦b¬O¥Î¥N²zÊI¯¸¤Wªº¡C
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[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ÀR¨à ©ó 2008-1-1 19:31 ½s¿è ]
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