UID 16
積分 18936
帖子 15104
閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-10-7
狀態 離線
The new CITIZEN CM was shot in Bangkok in August 2015 by Anders Hallberg.
Though the world of integrated production is fairly young, it has its more senior explorers. Anders Hallberg is one of them.
Anders was 18 when he started working on a film set and he has never looked back. Since, he has made hundreds of music videos and a slew of commercials. He has been working on documentaries and is always exploring his stills photography.
Anders is a true craftsman and a bit of a technical geek. He understands the entire chain of production and because of this, he’s able to solve any technical challenge, making productions look fantastic while breaking new ground. He’s great when directing people too......